Fashion review ladies straight cut jeans

Fashion review ladies straight cut jeans. Whether you are looking for that great casual look to spend the day running around doing chorus or simply hanging to with your besties in your favourite heels, top and jacket to head out with family or friends, jeans are every girls friend.

They are simply a great fashion staple that has been part of all of our fashion wardrobes since we first were slipped into them by our parents.

Jeans are one of few fashion garments that have stood the test of time and play a major part of our day to day life. Unlike all those years ago then there was very little choice, thankfully today they come in all shapes, sizes, colours and designs so we have lots and lots to choose from.

We have picked out 2 pairs for your you to look at from across the web. Yes, the old reliable straight leg jean is definitely a safer option when trying to pair with our fav fashion items so here’s our 2 choices of the latest straight cut collections from on-line fashion retailers.

The first pair are these Straight Leg Jeans Anna jeans from Mango. They come in a medium blue colour finish with high waist design that includes five pockets, belt loop on the waist and front button fastening.

The second pair we want you to throw your eyes over are these Mid Blue Bella Cut Hem Straight Leg Jeans from on-line fashion retailer, River Island. These lovelies come in a mid-blue colour with the design including five pockets, belt loop at the waist, front button and fly fastening as well as a cut hem finish to the legs.

Both of these jeans represent great value and like most jeans will last a lifetime. These Jeans from Mango and River Island are great fashion wear whatever the occasion. How and what you pair them with is up to you!

Fashion review ladies straight cut jeans



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