Winnie Harlow is eyeing up her own make up line

Winnie Harlow eyeing is up her own make up line. Canadian fashion model, Winnie Harlow has admitted that one day she would love to release her own make-up line.

Harlow rose to stardom when she was discovered by fellow fashion model, Tyra Banks when Winnie was a contestant on America’s Next Top Model .

The 24 year old beauty who suffers from the skin condition Vitiligo has revealed that she loves playing with diffrent make-up looks and that one day she is hoping to launch her own line of cosmetics.

Chatting to Fashion mag, ELLE, Winnie said: “I’m really into makeup, doing makeup, testing makeup, creating makeup. I really love beauty products; I always have. I have something in the works right now, actually, but I can’t talk about it yet.”

The Victoria’s Secret model who made her debut appearance at last month’s show has also revealed her love for lip gloss and she won’t go anywhere without it. She went on to say: “The two things I won’t leave the house without are my eyebrows done and lip gloss. Actually, lip gloss was my first love – greasy, buttery, sparkly lips. That was my entry into beauty.”

Talking about her appearance on the runway for Victoria’s Secret in New York, Winnie said: “It still feels surreal. It aired last weekend, and we had the viewing party in New York … Watching myself on TV, it felt the exact same way as when we filmed it, just so excited, so in awe of everything.


Winnie Harlow is eyeing up her own Make Up line


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