Fashion model Emily Ratajkowski makeup secrets

Fashion model Emily Ratajkowski makeup secrets. Fashion model, Emily Ratajkowski’s own make-up artist, Hung Vanngo, has revealed likes to experiment with Blue and Red eyeshadows.

The 27-year-old American model usually favours a glowing bronzed look but her make-up artist, Hung Vanngo, is happy she’s also always up for an adventurous eye and has worn “red and blue eyeshadow” in the past.

Chatting to glam magazine, Elle , he said: “I think 99 percent of women want to look bronzy, and sexy. Emily’s quite open to make-up and I’ve done red eyeshadow and blue eyeshadow before. She is actually so beautiful and a little bronzer enhances everything right away.”

Vanngo is known for his clever use of colour and the make-up artist loves to use bold products paired with monochrome outfits.

He said: “I think the client trusts me. I usually present the idea and they go for it. I always try to use the clothes as a reference and if they just wear black, that’s when we have more freedom to do what we want with colour.”

The cosmetic specialist also swears by exfoliation in order to achieve the brunette beauties signature clear complexion and suggests “a good cleanser and moisturiser” in place of expensive serums.

He said: “One thing that a lot of people forget to do is exfoliation. It’s important to do that at least twice a week and it makes a huge difference with skin texture. Women who wear a lot of make-up and cleanse their face, it’s never cleansed enough. “Treat yourself here and there and go for a mask. If people can’t afford serum, all of these fancy things, go with a good cleanser and moisturiser.

“There’s one from St. Ives that I used to use years ago when I didn’t have any money. There are a lot of low-budget face scrubs. ”


Fashion model Emily Ratajkowski makeup secrets


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